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  • Writer's pictureKarenGeorghiou

Wheel of Misfortune

“There is no competition of sounds between a nightingale and a violin.” Dejan Stojanovic

rainbow umbrell

Don’t stray over your rainbow

Words words and the flow and the juice of life squeezes out of it and all of the wondrous love that can be. That can only be seen with eyes that are fresh. What a mess as we fail to look around and be burdened by the sound of shoulds and woulds and all that crazy hazy wilderness of unknowing.

For whos race are you in? Do you think you could ever win? Who are you running past? Why are you running so fast? The race to death is a slippery dip and living quickly means that you end up last. Compete not. Stay in your lane. And all will become sane again. The building, the making, all of the aching to become. But we are one. Little people plodding past, without a future, without a past. And coming together now and then, to make sense of it, then break it again.

I’d like to see the future, my friend. I’d like to see where it all ends. The road is long, the burden is heavy unless you set it down and look where you can be. Are you lost in a swirl of words that can only be heard in your own mind. All of the time. All of the rhyme. All of the kind that can only be taken, to fully awaken


What did you do, today? In your own way? That wasn’t affected or injected by some other thing. We’re all interrelated, whether you like it or not. So be aware, be aware for others will stare if you start breaking patterns. But what other use can there be for you or to me. Shatter the rainbow and set yourself free.

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